Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Angels in my bed

God looked down from Heaven Above
and God said, "It is not good for man to be alone."
So God in his ultimate wisdom placed,
Angels on Earth to protect man from
Through the night these Angels guard man.
From those who would cause him harm,
And warn him of dangers in the night.

When I reach out my hand at night,
They offer a kiss to let me know that they are there.
Guarding me from harm.
They might not look like Angels all dressed in white,
With glowing halos encircling their head.
But yet I know from the twinkle in their eyes,
That the dog who sleeps at my feet,
And the cat who sleeps at my bed,
Are the Angels God sent to sleep in my bed,
And guard me through the night.
God bless all, in His service,

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